What Are the Common Signs of Exposure After Asbestos Removal in Montecito?

Asbestos removal in Montecito needs to be done by a professional. This is a very harmful material to the health. Of course, there are times that you don’t know you has asbestos.

Before you do any sort of DIY work in an old house, you’ll want to check for asbestos. We all make mistakes, though. And even once the asbestos has been removed, you may fear that there is still some left behind. So, you need to check the signs of exposure.

First Signs of Asbestos Exposure

Before and after asbestos removal in Montecito, you’ll want to look out for any signs that the lungs have been affected. This is the first place that you’ll see the signs as you breathe in the chemicals.

Shortness of breath and a dry cough or wheezing are the first signs that you’ve been exposed. You could also have a crackling sound when you breathe. Of course, these are also signs that you have a chest infection or a bad cold, so it all depends on how long the signs go on for. Don’t panic right away.

As the exposure signs get worse, you’ll start to feel some respiratory complications and chest pain. You can also end up with fluid or plaque in the lungs. This is something that doctors will want to look into, so you’ll want to make it clear that you’ve been around asbestos, even if you’ve had someone in for asbestos removal in Montecito. The more doctors know, the more they can do.

Asbestos Doesn’t Just Affect the Lungs

There are other health problems that come from exposure to this material. People have seen diseases in the throat, stomach, and colon. These are usually with the severe exposures.

There are signs that other parts of your body have been affected. After asbestos removal in Montecito, you’ll want to look out for any unexpected weight loss or loss of appetite. Look out for hernias or bowel obstructions, and pay close attention to any abdominal swelling or pain that isn’t normal for you—after all, food allergies also cause abdominal swelling or distention!

A difficulty swallowing and clubbed fingers are more serious signs that there has been some exposure complications.

Try not to be scared about everything. Just because you have been exposed to asbestos doesn’t mean that there is going to be a huge problem. You should always talk to your doctor if you are concerned about your health, though. If you had asbestos removal in Montecito done by a

Cancer is usually the first thought when it comes to asbestos exposure, but that’s not the case all the time. There are some other illnesses that aren’t cancerous and will need to be treated.

Before you do DIY projects, especially on older houses, you’ll need to make sure there isn’t asbestos in the house. If you think there may be, get a company in to check. They will be able to do full asbestos removal in Montecito to keep you and your family safe.


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