Asbestos Remediation in Goleta: What Should You Do If You’ve Been Exposed to Asbestos

There are still many companies out there that offer asbestos remediation in Goleta. That’s because asbestos is still a major concern. There are a lot of buildings from the 1960s and 1970s that still stand and have asbestos problems.

You could be exposed to this particle when at work. You could also be exposed at home. What do you need to do if you are exposed before you call for remediation work?

Immediately Wash Yourself and Your Clothes

Before you make a call for asbestos remediation in Goleta, you need to wash yourself and your clothes. The particles will get everywhere, so you need to tackle it all as soon as possible. Get the clothes straight into the washing machine before your shower if you can. This way, you’re not exposing yourself to the asbestos again. You want to wash them on their own so you’re not exposing anything else to the asbestos.

When it comes to yourself, you need to wash with warm soapy water. Get into your hair and into every crevice on your body that you can. Breathing in the particles is the worst thing for you, but they can sit on the body and in the hair easily. You will limit your exposure by acting quickly.

Talk to Your Employer or Call for Remediation

If you were exposed at work, you now need to talk to your employer. Discuss the asbestos situation and ensure that your workplace calls for asbestos remediation in Goleta immediately. You don’t want to see anyone else exposed.

The workplace probably didn’t know about the situation until you were exposed. Now they need to act quickly as the duty of care is on them.

What if you’re exposed at home? Then it’s up to you to get the remediation company in. You can ask around friends or get online, but you want to make sure you get a reputable company that is able to come out quickly to deal with the situation. That last thing you want is to keep the rest of your family exposed.

Talk to Your Doctor About Testing

Now that you’ve got the asbestos remediation in Goleta in or you’ve reported the situation to your workplace, it’s time to take care of your own health. A lot of asbestos problems don’t show up for years, but you’ll want to make sure your doctor is aware of the situation as soon as possible.

Your doctor will be able to discuss all the harmful side effects of asbestos. They’ll be able to send you for the right testing to make sure your health hasn’t been compromised, and they’ll be able to share tips on what to do now that you have been exposed.

The faster you act, the less chance you have of any major health problems. It’s just better to be safe than sorry.

Asbestos remains a dangerous problem in older buildings. If you have a newer building, you won’t have this exposure. Take steps to protect your health and then call for asbestos remediation in Goleta to get rid of the problem.


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